Why Have Your Factory?

It is a factor to consider whether a business should have a factory or not. The biggest problem businesses encounter after the product planning cycle is over is this one. Although outsourcing appears to be the more practical and affordable option, there are a lot of additional factors to take into account. Making your products can also prove to be a fantastic choice for your business.

Numerous businesses’ experiences have shown that in-house production offers greater advantages and can also be effective and affordable. If you don’t think investing in your factory makes sense, consider the number of businesses operating successful factories on their own that is included in the B2B manufacturers directory.

Management Fees

With factory for rent Samutprakan (โรงงานให้เช่าสมุทรปราการ, term in Thai), you may simply avoid the additional managerial costs associated with outsourcing manufacturing. To maintain equilibrium, managers will need to be dispatched. The extra money spent on these managers is unnecessary because they would need to pay for living expenses. Because they would need to speak a foreign language, these managers would be pricey. Without the additional layer of bilingual management, internal production may be disregarded, automatically lowering production costs. Additionally, sending goods from abroad may result in delays in getting them to buyers. Custom checks can cost more if you outsource.

If you opt to maintain the prices low or too high, all these additional costs will be incorporated into your production and could lower your profits. If you decide to keep the prices high, it will likely result in a decrease in client demand. Your poor choices could give your rivals the upper hand in either scenario.


Products may inevitably undergo last-minute adjustments. What would you do if you learned that the detail your foreign boss noted has to be changed? It would be much simpler to stop the show and make a change if it were an internal production. You would be able to see the merchandise right in front of you. This choice would be less dangerous. A faster speed would make it more difficult to communicate about sampling and discussions.

Production rights and control

You may fully manage the production quantity and quality by producing your goods. For instance, you can swiftly add equipment, labor, and production rate if demand is rising. However, if your product is being produced in another nation, it will be more difficult to adjust output to meet client demand because a fixed order is given, which is difficult to negotiate if outsourcing.

Product rights are yet another form of control a business can exercise over a factory of its own. Avoiding intellectual property theft and counterfeiting is possible. There will again be a language barrier, so understanding the protection laws and manufacturing rights of another country would incur additional costs. So, it makes sense to keep your product in a smaller loop.

Quality Assurance

The likelihood of unpleasant surprises is heightened when a producer resides abroad. Miscommunications about raw materials are unavoidable, there are frequent communication errors, and quality occasionally falls short of expectations.